Alexander Kovko

Counselor, Attorney
Alexander Kovko is a practicing lawyer and Counsel of our Criminal Law Practice. His expertise focuses on complex, multi-episode criminal cases in the field of economics, as well as those related to the investigation of crimes against state power and the interests of public service, embezzlement of funds, money laundering.

Mr. Kovko has successfully defended those accused of corruption and official crimes, fraud, embezzlement, as well as representing victims at all stages of the criminal process. He has represented clients in a range of complex criminal matters at the trial level. He often counsels clients on strategic legal issues arising from litigation, legislation, or governmental oversight or investigation.

Before joining the Advocate’s Bar Alexander served in the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation, and since 2007 in the Investigative Committee of Russia, ending his career as Deputy Head of the Military Investigation Department of the Investigating Committee of Russia. During his service, he specialized in complex cases of embezzlement of state property, public corruption, fraud, and official crimes.

Alexander has two higher degrees, one of them is in law at the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and over 25 years of practical experience in the criminal law field.

Practice Areas

  • Criminal cases in the field of corruption and official crimes
  • Financial crimes
  • Private client’s representation
  • Representation of victims ' interests in criminal proceedings
  • Military crimes
  • Internal investigations
Industry Experience

  • State and Municipal Administration
  • Construction and Development
  • Natural Resources
  • State Contract System
Practice Areas
  • Criminal cases in the field of corruption and official crimes
  • Financial crimes
  • Private client’s representation
  • Representation of victims ' interests in criminal proceedings
  • Military crimes
  • Internal investigations
Industry Experience
  • State and Municipal Administration
  • Construction and Development
  • Natural Resources
  • State Contract System

Selected Cases
Defense of the accused
  • Defending a person accused of multiple large-scale frauds.

  • Defending a tax authority official accused of receiving a multimillion-dollar bribe and abuse of power.

  • Defending a client accused of giving a multimillion-dollar bribe.

  • Defending a client accused of embezzlement of multi-million-dollar medical equipment.

Victim representation
  • Representation of the interests of clients who have lost their assets as a result of fraudulent actions of a microfinance organization.

  • Advising a large industrial company in conducting an internal investigation into the circumstances of embezzlement committed by ex-management.

119435, Russia, Moscow, Bolshoy Savinskiy Ln, 11

OGRN: 1227700017071
Moscow Bar Association registry no. 77/2-458
Managing Partner – Kirill Belskiy
© Law Office of the City of Moscow Belskiy and Partners official website