Entrepreneurship entails a number of risks. Companies know how to work with economic risk, but often lack expertise in dealing with crises and other more specific situations. Claims from law enforcement and regulatory authorities, industrial emergencies, shareholder disputes, and cybersecurity threats can all catch you off guard. Any critical situation has an impact on a business, threatening its reputation, stability, and sometimes even its very existence as an organization.
We help clients in all kinds of crisis situations. We are ready to quickly engage at any stage, prepare an action plan to minimize risks and overcome the crisis, and take responsibility for its implementation, acting as a strategic partner in protecting your business.
We have a network of trusted advisors in various professional fields: media representatives, public relations specialists, auditors, and technical and forensic experts. The project team works in a coordinated and timely manner to provide managers with a clear and realistic action plan that will help fix the problem or mitigate its impact on your business.
Industry Experience
Banking and Investment
Public Administration
Energy and Natural Resources
FMCG and Trade
Selected Cases
Comprehensive representation of the beneficiaries of high-value real estate within a corporate dispute, including criminal defense, handling of the bankruptcy case on the part of the creditor, challenging a large number of suspicious transactions, bringing the debtor’s beneficiaries to subsidiary liability, and proving the affiliation of several creditors with the debtor in order to exclude their claims from the list of creditors and restore the legitimate rights of bona fide creditors.
Representing a group of shareholders of a gold mining company in a corporate dispute.
Advising a shareholder of a large chemical plant on criminal law risks within a corporate dispute.
Representing a shareholder of a medical services holding company in a corporate dispute with shareholders and senior management.
Advising a large mining company on an industrial accident that resulted in the death and serious bodily injury of a large number of employees.
Advising a major trading company on a fire that resulted in the death of employees and significant losses.
Advising a high-ranking official on a number of crimes committed by a close relative of his, which were widely reported in the media.