
Daria Godunova

Daria Godunova is one of the leading Russian experts in the field of infrastructure project support and public-private partnership with over20 years of professional experience as a PPP expert and legal consultant for various industry sectors:
  • transport and logistics infrastructure (roads, bridges, airports, port infrastructure, warehouses, logistics and fulfillment centers, public transport);
  • power engineering (generation facilities, "green" energy, power lines);
  • communal services (water supply and sanitation, heat supply, municipal and industrial waste management);
  • social facilities (medical institutions, schools, boarding houses for the elderly, cemeteries, crematoriums);
  • sports facilities (stadiums, swimming pools);
  • integrated territorial development;
  • urban development (parking space, public transport, industrial areas, cultural objects, hotel sector);
  • IT infrastructure.
  • agro-industrial complex (production, primary and subsequent processing).

The team led by Daria provides comprehensive support for construction and development initiatives, PPP projects, and concessions on the side of private and public partners, including market analysis, working with the regulatory framework, preparing financial models and models for organizing a consortium, developing draft agreements, representation in negotiations, and supporting the project after the closing stage.

The involvement of the Bureau’s lawyers specializing in criminal law and dispute resolution into the project teams helps to mitigate possible risks for business, management and shareholders.

Daria’s clientele includes Sberbank, VEB-RF, Investment and Financial Construction Company ARKS, Rosvodokanal, RKS, EcoLine, Center for Strategic Development, City Parking Management Center of St. Petersburg, Federal Technology Company, Senior Group, executive authorities of Moscow, Sverdlovsk, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk and other regions, construction companies, multidisciplinary investment companiesholdings, enterprises of the extractive industry, energy, industry, and many others.

Prior to joining the Bureau’s team Daria Godunova worked consistently for the The Federal Financial Monitoring Service of the Russian Federation, Russian Parliament (State Duma Chamber), leading national lawfirm Vegas-Lex, and major Bank’s PPP Center. She is the founder and managing partner for "PPP Pioneers".

Daria speaks fluent English.

Biography Facts
  1. St. Petersburg Law Institute, Civil Law (1998).
  2. Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MGIMO), International Law and EU Law (2000).
  3. Member of the PPP Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.
  4. Member of the NAKDI Expert and Methodological Council.
  5. Member of the Expert Council of the National PPP Center.
  6. Member of the National Association of Investors and Operators of Infrastructure Projects "Infrastructure Club".
  7. Forbes Council Member Russia
  8. Constant author for the country’s leading media. Conducts legal teaching in the field of PPP and develpment.

Practice Areas

  • Legal support of PPP and investment projects (financial, contractual, land, construction, criminal relations of the parties).
  • Conducting a comprehensive project review (due diligence).
  • Preparation of a financial model of the project for the purpose of identifying: expected performance indicators, investment attractiveness, indicators of financial stability, solvency, profitability.
  • Drawing up a risk matrix for evaluating the project’s prospects by shareholders and investors.
  • Assessment of the prospects for investment in an infrastructure project, through the allocation of profitability and compensation in case of withdrawal from the project.
  • Coordination of project financing terms with interested financial institutions (including analysis of the loan agreement).
  • Interaction with federal, regional, municipal authorities, relevant ministries, departments on any issues necessary for the preparation and further implementation of the project.
  • Leading the media strategy management in the implementation of PPP and other infrastructural projects.
Industry Experience

  • Industry, Logistics, and Transport
  • Construction and Development
  • Natural Resources, Metallurgy
  • Integrated Territorial Development, Social Infrastructure, Housing and Communal Services
  • Agriculture
  • IT Sector
Practice Areas
  • Legal support of PPP and investment projects (financial, contractual, land, construction, criminal relations of the parties).
  • Conducting a comprehensive project review (due diligence).
  • Preparation of a financial model of the project for the purpose of identifying: expected performance indicators, investment attractiveness, indicators of financial stability, solvency, profitability.
  • Drawing up a risk matrix for evaluating the project’s prospects by shareholders and investors.
  • Assessment of the prospects for investment in an infrastructure project, through the allocation of profitability and compensation in case of withdrawal from the project.
  • Coordination of project financing terms with interested financial institutions (including analysis of the loan agreement).
  • Interaction with federal, regional, municipal authorities, relevant ministries, departments on any issues necessary for the preparation and further implementation of the project.
  • Leading the media strategy management in the implementation of PPP and other infrastructural projects.
Industry Experience
  • Industry, Logistics, and Transport
  • Construction and Development
  • Natural Resources, Metallurgy
  • Integrated Territorial Development, Social Infrastructure, Housing and Communal Services
  • Agriculture
  • IT Sector

Selected Cases
  • Advising the Administration of St. Petersburg in connection with the restructuring of Pulkovo Airport assets and the involvement of a management company for its modernization and development.

  • Development of water supply and sanitation systems in the Krasnodar Region. Advising JSC "Evraziyskiy" on the preparation and implementation of a full package of documents on the concession tender and signing of a concession agreement (regional) in the field of water supply and sanitation (Krasnodar Territory: Taman, Yeisk, Troitsk).

  • Legal PPP audit of Russian Utility Systems (RCS) in connection with a full audit of the company for potential PPP projects.

  • Advising Rosvodokanal LLC on structuring PPP projects in relation to transferring water supply and sanitation systems in Russian cities to a private investment concession.

  • Consulting of private inverters in the framework of the project of transferring the heat supply system of the city of Novosibirsk to a concession to a private operator.

  • Advising private investors (St. Petersburg, Moscow) on the implementation of construction with further operational management of a network of boarding houses for the elderly (including structuring project financing).

  • Advising St. Petersburg State Institution "City Parking Management Center of St. Petersburg" on the preparation of a project for the creation, use, maintenance and repair of a single urban parking space in St. Petersburg on the basis of PPP.

  • Development of draft PPP agreements for the construction and operation of kindergartens, preschool centers, and schools (CFD) for potential private investors.

  • Advising Vnesheconombank (PPP Center) on the restructuring of the existing pool of PPP projects.

  • Advising LLC "IFSK" ARKS " in connection with the investment project for the construction of the first and fifth launch complexes through DIS.

  • Advising EcoLine LLC for the purpose of signing a long-term state contract for waste removal and disposal with the creation of a comprehensive system for managing the technological cycle, including the stages of removal, sorting, processing and disposal at landfills.

  • Preparation of concepts for the development of projects in the field of tourism and children’s recreation (Moscow Government).

  • Advising Sberbank on various PPP and concession projects.

  • Preparation of the concept-analysis of the project to create a campus-innovation and educational quarter (Moscow).

  • Advising one of the world’s largest resourse-extracting companieswithin the conclusion of a concession agreement in the field of developing electric power facilities: drafting of all legal documents, financial model, participation in negotiations on the side of the Client.

119435, Russia, Moscow, Bolshoy Savinskiy Ln, 11

OGRN: 1227700017071
Moscow Bar Association registry no. 77/2-458
Managing Partner – Kirill Belskiy
© Law Office of the City of Moscow Belskiy and Partners official website